Candice & Huy's Wedding

Contact Info
Background Pictures
Background Stories
Wedding Pictures
Guaymas Crew

We have updated the wedding pictures page, and we have added engagement, shower and civil service photos to the background pictures page!!!

Last updated on 9/28/2006, 11:45:42 PM


Dear friends and family:
Well, things are finally starting to come together.  We went down to Mexico to work out the details and it looks like we are going to have a wedding!  If you book it right, you can get there and pay for your hotel room for around $400.  Hopefully this site will answer all of your questions, but if you have any more, just let us know.  Take note of the navigation bar (in this instance it is in blue on the left side of the page), and use it to get around our site.  More updates will be coming. 

Please fill out this form to let us know if you will be coming.  Every guest must fill out their individual form.

Will you be attending?yes
E-mail Address?
What meal would you like?White Bass
Almond Chicken
Filet Mignon & Shrimp
What are your travel plans?
Any additional comments?


When filling out the travel section of the form, please specify when you are travelling and how you are getting there.  Especially if you are taking the charter bus!!!